RIP Workout DVDs - YouTube has Arrived.

Gone are the days when I was willing to prance around my living room to the latest Ministry of Sound workout. Over the years I have given so many of them a good go: Pump it Up, 10 Minute Solutions, Patsy Palmer's Urban Workout and (please don't judge me here) I even owned one of Jade Goody's on VHS.....

You dancing? You asking? I'm asking. Then I'm dancing!

Workout DVDs are a great idea: if you can't get to the exercise class then bring the exercise class to you. But the problem is, they're boring. No one wants to do the same exercise class again and again and again. Not only that, but if you're doing the same exercises day in day out then you won't see results.

As someone who struggles to make it to the gym in time for classes, there has to be a better way. Enter YouTube.

Now, I may be a little slow on the uptake here but YouTube is incredible for fitness. It is accessible, there is an endless array of workouts and, most importantly, it is FREE. It is also great if you are short for time as all it takes is a press of a button and, whether you are looking for a quick 10 minute yoga session or a full hour of sweaty cardio, a world of workouts will open up to you (no equipment needed)! You could do a different workout every day for a month and still not even make a dent in what's available!

We all have our own preferences (I, for example, find certain accents so irritating that I can't bear to endure even a 5 minute clip) so sit down with a cup of tea and explore; subscribe to a few channels that suit you - your wants and needs. If that seems like a bit too much hard work today (hey, we've all been there) then why not try it out some of my favourites:

SarahBeth Yoga
I resorted to YouTube after being able to make any of the yoga classes in my local area. SarahBeth is great - she offers a range of styles and video lengths. There is also a good mix of videos both with and without music. Her instructions are clear and the practices are enjoyable. If you are new to yoga, why not try her #7dayyogachallenge for a different style each day?

PopSugar Fitness
From the "1 Minute Skinny Jean Squat Challenge" to 30 minute cardio blasts, PopSugar Fitness offers countless workouts. I very much doubt that I will ever look like a Victoria Secret's model but I will certainly be giving it a good go.....

Be FiT:
An absolute GEM of a find! This channel is filled with LOADS of workouts from well known trainers such as Jillian Michaels (30 Day Shred and 6 Six Week Six Pack). Whether you want a 10 minute dance or an absolute beasting, this channel has it all!

  • Do NOT believe anyone's claims that they will "transform" your body or perform any other miracles.
  • Do your research and make sure that your instructor is legit. We may not all have the time to get to the gym but we do have the time to make sure that we are taking advice from a professional who knows what they are talking about!
  • If it hurts, don't do it. There is no one there to tell you to stop if you are doing it wrong.

Do you have a favourite channel that I haven't mentioned? Why not share it so that we can give it a go?


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