All Time Low: Stuck in a Rut?

Very often we see health and fitness Instagram and Facebook pages full of humour and inspirational quotes and pictures/videos of "fitness goals", but is this glossy presentation of life realistic? I refuse to acknowledge that these people have never had a bad day at work, come home and consumed an entire bottle of wine, a microwave meal and/or a disgustingly gluttonous desert. They never show that, do they?

Life has been pretty tough this year and what used to be a rare occurrence (grabbing quick and easy food on the way home from work) has started to become more and more regular. How is it possible to eat healthily when you can't even face a visit to the supermarket? I firmly believe that a healthy diet  =  a healthy mind, and that exercise is one of the best ways to improve mood and wellbeing. Nonetheless, when even the thought of opening a tin of soup is overwhelming, preparing three healthy meals a day (plus snacks) seems like Everest.

I started this blog to search for balance and a healthier way of living: with your highs come your lows and if I didn't acknowledge that then this wouldn't be a balanced and honest account of my journey.

What I am trying to say is: stop punishing yourself for your bad days; we all have them (even those incredibly attractive fitness models). Drink the wine. Eat the biscuit. Sleep in for that extra hour and miss your run. You are only human. The world will not stop turning.

Acknowledge that with the highs will come the lows. It might seem as though you are stuck in a rut but things will get better. Making yourself feel bad for this will only set off an unhealthy cycle that is difficult to break (I can testify to that). You can only make positive changes when you are in the right headspace to do so.

To quote Yazz: "The only way is up!" Look after yourself. Make time for yourself. Most importantly, remember that everyone has been there - even if they don't want to admit it.


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