A One Hour Workout is "Only" 4% of Your Day

My life was turned upside down last year. Overnight, our family went from two to four when we agreed to care for our nieces for six months. I can now assure you that it is true what they say: NOTHING can prepare you for having children. I used to think that I had a busy life but now I have experienced "the dark side", I will never complain about being busy again!

The first thing that I started to neglect was my exercise regime. When you are up at 5.30am and in work by 7.30am, a morning workout is not the most appealing. Similarly, with my husband at work most evenings, by the time we have done some chores, the reading, cooked, bathed the children and put them to bed, I don't sit down until 8pm - never mind trying to fit in the dog walks and the vast amount of school-work that I need to take home every night! If I ever get five minutes to myself, I want to read, I want to watch television, I want a glass of wine, I want to SLEEP. Not only do I have a new found respect for all parents, but those who manage to keep in shape? I take my hat off to you.

I am always seeing those "motivational" and "inspirational" pictures,You know? Those ones with a picture of a beach, a mountain or an insanely attractive model, and a supposedly inspiring quote across the top?

To those who post these (and I am sure that I may have been guilty of this in the past) I (politely) say: Shut up. I am doing the best that I can. Stop making me feel guilty. Stop making me feel as if I am not good enough.

That being said, working out has always been a massive part of my life - by neglecting exercise, I have been neglecting myself. If there is one thing that I have learnt over the past six months, it is that you must always find time for yourself - it is the only way to survive. With this in mind, I am now on a mission to find ways to incorporate exercise into my day to day life, especially on those days when it feels like I "just don't have the time". I will be trying them out so you don't have to (but please feel free to give them a go). From apps to YouTube, from early morning workouts to late at night, my aim is to discover the best ways to fit exercise into our hectic lives.

Mission Stop Feeling Sorry for Yourself and Get Off of Your Bum starts today! Watch this space.


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