
Showing posts from February, 2018

5 Signs it's Time to Do Something About the Baby Weight

5 months ago I gave birth to a pretty awesome human being, but if you read my last blog post you will know that I managed to gain an impressive amount of weight during my pregnancy. I am sure that many women are able to (and should) embrace their postpartum bodies; unfortunately I am not one of them. I have accepted that my body will never be the same again and I am totally ok with that. Well, I will be. But, there are a few signs that it's time to get moving and they are pretty hard to ignore: 1. Your hairdresser looks a little uncomfortable asking if you've already had the baby. I had already had the baby.... Fair enough it was only a month postpartum but seeing as I am still the same weight as I was then, I can no longer use this as an excuse.... 2. You invest in an over-priced teething necklace for your gorgeous baby as, as well as tugging at your hair, she has also begun to grasp at your newly acquired second chin. The pain is real. 3. You head out to w

Losing My Mojo - Feeling Reflective

Howdy readers. So, it's been a while hasn't it? Well, I can report that a LOT has gone on since my last blog post; it's been pretty intense and, though it pains me to say it, I have completely lost my mojo. It's amazing, how easily you can slip back into old habits. If I'm feeling down then I am used to turning to exercise to pick me back up. If I'm feeling super-blue then I comfort eat and get a bit lazy; a habit that I thought I had left behind - how wrong I was. WARNING: I am about to discuss FEELINGS and incredibly honest truths. It started off around the time of my last post. Without going into too much detail, our lives were completely turned upside-down when my husband and I suddenly (and unexpectedly) became foster carers to twins. For the next 8 months of my life I had to juggle a new and demanding job, caring for the children, the dog and managing an entire timetable of access with different family members and meetings with social services. If I