Binge Watching Netflix in my Activewear - Getting Off the Sofa and into the Gym

We've all been there: full of optimism and good intentions, we climb into our "activewear"...then sit down for five minutes (you know, just for a cup of tea). Before you know it, Netflix is asking you if you are still watching Orange is the New Black (or any other binge-able series) and you have eaten a family sized bag of Doritos.

Gym clothes are incredibly comfortable so it is easily done. It's just a shame that good intentions aren't enough to get us in shape. With this in mind, I have decided to share my top 5 tips on how to get off of the sofa and into the gym:

Image courtesy of Buzzfeed.

1. Employ a motivator / torturer
Mine is my husband. If I know that I am going to struggle to do my workout, I let him know my plans in advance and ask him to MAKE me keep to them under any circumstances. It has been known for him to set up my workout and  literally drag me into our studio, kicking and screaming. Yes it is painful (and you may get the odd carpet burn) but you get the workout done. Once you get started, it is a lot harder to find an excuse to stop.

2. Something is better than nothing
You are not always going to be up for that HIIT session that you had envisioned, but you can always do SOMETHING. I make sure that I walk the dog for at least an hour and practice yoga every day (even if it is just 15 minutes). This is my baseline and anything on top of this is a bonus. That way, I always feel as though I have met my goal. It is amazing how much more motivated you will feel once you have achieved something. Very often, just getting started is the only motivation that I need to do more.

3. Sign up to an event
A few years ago, I challenged myself to complete 12 events in 12 months for Cancer Research UK. I have NEVER been as fit as I was during this year. Having something to work towards was so motivating. I used social media as a fundraising tool and knowing that people would see if I succeeded or failed was enough to keep me going. I went for a range of events (swimming, cycling, running, endurance....) so I didn't give myself a chance to get bored.
DISCLAIMER: I did not train for the overnight bike-ride from London to Brighton - THIS WAS THE WORST NIGHT OF MY LIFE and I have been reluctant to get back on a bike ever since. I completed it but the memory of this "ordeal" was all that I need to ensure that I train for any future events!

4. Find a workout buddy
If you don't get off of your bum, you aren't just letting yourself down. Why stop at one friend? Join a running group or set up a weekly session with friends. When working out becomes something social that you look forward to, rather than a chore, you will be more reluctant to cancel.

5. Commit financially
Find a workout class that you enjoy and save money by bulk buying sessions in advance. This also works for courses and even packages with Personal Trainers. Every time that you cancel, you are losing money. Make yourself accountable - no one likes money down the drain.

If all else fails, combine exercise and TV. I recently read an article about 'How to get a Body like Beyonce' - it shared tips like putting on your favourite song and doing bicep curls for the duration. Why not take inspiration from BeyoncĂ©: squat during the ad-break of Gogglebox or plank during the opening credits of Game of Thrones? Sounds crazy but it all adds up - although this is coming from someone who once got caught doing squats in the work kitchen whilst waiting for their soup to cook.....


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