As the saying goes: 'Eat breakfast like a king...'

Breakfast! The most important meal of the day (and by far my favourite). It is genuinely the first thing that I think about it the morning, and I often go to bed thinking about what I will have for breakfast the next day. If you have no idea what I am talking about then clearly you have not discovered the wonders of this magical meal: 30 minutes peace and a plate/bowl of good food before the chaos of the day begins!

My main issues with breakfast include cost (hello £3 box of muesli that I could finish in two bowls) and not feeling full (see previous aside). Take a look below for some of my favourite breakfasts that are good for the waistline (and purse strings) and will keep you full all morning:

Healthy Banana Pancakes (for one "hearty" appetite) 
Guilt free pancakes? Need I say more?

Get inventive and experiment with your toppings. Enjoy!
1. Blitz together two eggs, one banana and a scoop of your favourite protein powder (this makes my preferred consistency. If this doesn't work for you then try a ratio of 1 egg: 1 banana).

2. Heat a small amount of coconut oil in a frying pan until piping hot.

3. Pour your healthy pancake batter into the pan, heating for a few minutes before flipping.

4. Serve your pancakes in a stack. I like to serve mine with a small dollop of fat free Greek yogurt and a handful of berries, or a drizzle of honey and some more chopped up banana.

Elvis Toast

This delicious delight comes courtesy of Gizzi Erskine and her fabulous book 'Skinny Weeks and Weekend Treats'. Who would have thought that you could have chocolate for breakfast and not feel guilty?!

Photo courtesy of Gizzi Erskine
(I ate mine before photographing!)
1. Lightly toast a slice of rye or sourdough bread.

2. Spoon on a tablespoon of your favourite peanut butter (I recommend Meridian Natural Crunchy Peanut Butter - they sell fantastically big tubs at Holland and Barrett) and a chopped up banana.

3. Finish off by finely grating a square of dark chocolate (ideally 80% +) over the top of your decadent toast.

4. Enjoy the lack of guilt (and washing up).

Fruity Raw Oats
My lovely friend Rachael introduced this to me whilst I was doing one of her famous '12 Day Detoxes'. It is now a firm favourite and a tasty breakfast that can be whipped up the night before when you know that the morning will be go, go, go.

1. Chop one banana and quarter of a pineapple, mix with a "small" handful of blueberries (I save money by buying these frozen).

2. Sprinkle with a large handful of raw porridge oats.

3. Drizzle with a teaspoon of honey, a dash of goats milk and a sprinkle of cinnamon.

Who needs toast and cereal? Breakfast will never be the same again!


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